The origins of the Rose Paper Flower Kit

The Rose was my very first flower I had ever made.

The Rose was named not just for its obvious connection to the shape of the flower but also for another reason. Rose had to be the very first of the Roo b. Co Paper Flower Kits because the founding flower is directly related to the name/ person behind the founding name. Rubiko, also known as, Roo b. Co is my grandmother’s name. Born on the island of Okinawa, Rubiko was an artist and a lover of all things creative. Rose was her American name given to her after she arrived in the states. She was one of my biggest inspirations and cheerleaders. 

I love mixing The Rose and Madison flowers and use monochromatic colors to accent the unique shapes!

The Rose collection has three flowers that are composed of twelve petals each. Every facet of these flowers brings a rich texture to any space or event they are in. The roses feel fluffy but also sturdy. Only using the best quality of paper can you achieve the perfect, long lasting curves necessary to achieve the perfect rose. I know you are going to love the Rose even more now that you know the origin of the name. 


The origins of The Madison Paper Flower Kit


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